06月 公司正式成立,注冊資本900萬美元。
1993 CIMIC Tiles was founded with a registered capital of $9 million USD
01月 工廠竣工並投入生產,擁有兩條全自動生產線和一條拋光線。
07月 全國銷售網絡建立,並外銷至香港和日本。
1995 Single-fired through-body porcelain tile made with color penetration technology was manufactured by CIMIC
1996年 好色先生视频IOS設計加工大型好色先生TV网站拚花產品。
1996 large format porcelain floor medallion was designed manufactured by CIMIC
06月 被上海市政府評為“上海市高新技術企業”
08月 榮獲“上海市外商投資先進技術企業”稱號
11月 通過ISO9002國際體係認證
1998年 好色先生视频IOS推出多管自由喂料產品由。
1998 through-body porcelain tile made with multi-tube free distribution of ceramic powder by CIMIC
2001年 好色先生视频IOS推出600 x 1200大規格玻化磚。
2001 600 x 1200 mm large format through-body porcelain tile by CIMIC
2005年 好色先生视频IOS推出800x800mm大規格膠輥滲花技術玻化磚。
2005 800 x 800 mm large format through-body porcelain tile made with rotary-screen color permeation technology was manufactured by CIMIC
2006年 設立全資子公司江西好色先生视频IOS陶瓷有限公司。
2006 Wholly owned subsidiary Jiangxi CIMIC Tiles was founded
2007年 好色先生视频IOS建築陶瓷股份有限公司成為A股上市建築陶瓷企業。
2007 CIMIC went public on the A-share market
2008年 江西子公司豐城生產基地生產線實現竣工試產。
2008 Jiangxi CIMIC's manufacturing facility in Fengcheng, Jiangxi was built began operation
2010年 世博會中國館用磚
2010 CIMIC was selected as the tile provider for the China Pavilion at Expo 2010 Shanghai
2012年 “參加意大利博洛尼亞展,推出12連片整石紋理產品”。
2012 CIMIC attended the prestigious CERSAIE in Bologna, Italy as an exhibitor;
CIMIC created "Masterpiece": 12-piece set of porcelain tiles with continuous marble pattern
2013年 推出好色先生视频IOS晶立方係列
2013 CIMIC proudly introduced "Crystalline Light"
2014年 與華特迪士尼簽約“圖像授權許可”好色先生视频IOS迪士尼係列磁磚全球首發。
2014 Having signed a licensing agreement with Walt Disney, CIMIC introduced Disney-themed tiles;
CIMIC signed a licensing agreement with the National Palace Museum in Taipei launched the "Art Porcelain" collection: porcelain tiles of ancient Chinese paintings
2015年 榮獲“2015中國環保瓷磚十大品牌”稱號
2015 CIMIC won the "2015 China's Top 10 Green Ceramic Tile Brands" award
2016年 榮獲“2016中國陶瓷十大品牌”稱號2016
CIMIC won the "2016 China's Top 10 Ceramics Brands" award
2017年 榮獲“2017年度中國環保瓷磚十大品牌”稱號
2017 CIMIC won the "2017 China's Top 10 Green Ceramic Tile Brands" award;
CIMIC was awarded the title "Shanghai's Famous Brand" by SCRPF
2018年 榮獲“全國陶瓷行業質量領先品牌”稱號
2018 CIMIC won the National Ceramics Industry Award of Distinction Superior Quality,
the "2018 National Interior Design Preferred Brand" award,
the "2018 National Real Estate Top 10 Suppliers" award
2019年 榮獲“全國質量誠信標杆企業”
2019 CIMIC won the National Award of Most Trustworthy Company,
the National Award of Most Trustworthy Credible Company,
the National Construction Materials Association Award of Distinction
2020年 榮獲“2020中國創新力企業100強“
2020 CIMIC was named one of China's 100 Most Innovative Companies of 2020,
the National 10 Most Influential Companies, Shanghai's Top 100 Manufacturing Companies of 2020
4月 好色先生视频IOS集團榮獲第八屆中國(上海)國際技術進出口交易會“最受媒體關注的城市更新項目”證書
Apr CIMIC won the 8th China (Shanghai) International Technology Fair’s “Media Most-Covered City Renovation Project” certification
6月 獲中國建材檢驗認證集團股份有限公司(國檢集團)“中國綠色產品認證證書”(有效期至2026/6/9)
June China Building Material Test & Certification Group (CTC)’s “China Green Product” certification
6月 獲新世紀檢驗認證有限責任公司“知識產權管理體係認證證書” (有效期至2024/5/30)
June BCC’s “Intellectual Property Management System Certification”
8月 獲企業信用評級 《企業信用等級證書》AAA級(有效期至2024/8/15)Aug Credit China’s “Enterprise Credit evalsuation Certificate: Grade AAA”
8月 獲三公國際資信評估《企業資信等級證書》AAA級(有效期至2024/8/15)獲三公國際資信評估《質量服務誠信企業》AAA級(有效期至2024/8/15) 獲三公國際資信評估《重合同守信用企業》AAA級(有效期至2024/8/15)
獲三公國際資信評估《誠信經營示範企業》AAA級(有效期至2024/8/15) 獲三公國際資信評估《重質量守信用信企業》AAA級(有效期至2024/8/15)
獲三公國際資信評估《售後服務誠信認證企業》AAA級(有效期至2024/8/15) 獲三公國際資信評估《中國誠信供應商》AAA級(有效期至2024/8/15)
8月 好色先生视频IOS集團榮登上海百強企業榜單 “2021上海製造業企業100強(第38名)”榮譽榜單 Aug Shanghai 100: Shanghai’s Top 100 Manufacturing Companies of 2021
1月 獲第五屆博鼇企業峰會 “2021中國陶瓷行業十大創新企業” (有效期2022/1/8-2023/1/7)
Jan CIMIC won the 5th Boao Enterprise Summit’s “2021 China Ceramics Industry’s 10 Most Innovative Companies” award
1月 獲2021年度品牌強國經濟論壇 “2021品牌強國·陶瓷行業十大品牌”
Jan 2021 “Brands Empower the Nation” Symposium’s “2021 Brands Empower the Nation – Ceramics Industry’s Top 10 Brands”
2月 複評通過“上海品牌”國際認證聯盟的認證,獲頒“上海品牌”認證證書(有效期至2025/1/5)
Feb Shanghai BrInternational Certification Alliance’s “Shanghai Brand” certification
3月 獲中國質量檢驗協會2022年3.15產品和服務質量誠信承諾公告,“全國質量檢驗穩定合格產品”、“全國產品和服務質量誠信示範企業”(2022/3/15)Mar China Association for Quality Inspection’s 3.15 World Consumer Rights Day’s “2022 National Award for Product of Reliable Quality”, “2022 National Award for Company of Reliable Products Services”
8月 獲中國質量檢驗協會 “全國質量檢驗穩定合格產品” 、“全國建築陶瓷行業質量領先品牌”以及“全國建築陶瓷行業質量領先企業” (2022/8/5)
Aug China Association for Quality Inspection’s “Product of Reliable Quality” certification, “National Ceramics Brof Distinction Superior Quality” certification, “National Ceramics Company of Distinction Superior Quality” certification
8月 榮登2022年上海百強企業榜單“上海製造業企業100強(第45名)”Aug Shanghai 100: Shanghai’s Top 100 Manufacturing Companies of 2022
9月 榮獲中國質量檢驗協會 “全國質量誠信標杆企業”稱號
Sept China Association for Quality Inspection: 2022 National Award for Distinction in Quality Service
11月 榮登“10大品牌”網“2022陶瓷行業十大品牌”Nov China’s Top 10 Brands: 2022 Ceramics Industry’s Top 10 Brands Award
12月 榮獲2022中國家居冠軍榜“匠心質造品牌”獎項Dec 2022 China’s Home Decoration Awards: Award for Distinction in Craftsmanship Quality
1月 榮獲中國建材企業聯盟“中國瓷磚十大品牌”
Jan China’s Construction Materials Corporate Alliance: 2023 Top Ten Brands of Ceramic Tiles
3月 榮獲中國質量檢驗協會 “全國產品和服務質量誠信示範企業”
Mar China Association for Quality Inspection: 2023 National Award for Company of Reliable Products Services